MX5 NA-NB Cluster Gauge Kit

349,99 $

This is a nifty little screen that mounts inside your MX5 of any generation prior to 2005 and shows you coolant temperature, oil pressure and oil temperature. 3rd generation 2005-2015 MX5s are also supported, but they have a different layout and thus, the kit is different. You can see the kit for 3rd gen MX5s HERE! (click me)

What generation of MX5 do you have?

the NA and NB have different clusters, select yours

LCD style

Units of measurement

Include Bosch Oil press/temp sensor?

Add separate coolant temperature sensor?

Add customization keyboard?

optional featire that allows you to change the alarm levels(and many more) as you please, any time

Add shift light?

Order total:
SKU: MX5 NA NB CGK Category: Brand:


This is a custom made digital multifunctional gauge set for the 1st and 2n generation Miata, of all engines and gearbox variants. It adds aftermarket performance whilst keeping OEM looks and integration into the factory instrument cluster – because that’s what “cluster” means – all the important things in one place.

This kit does NOT need a standalone ECU. In fact, it works with anything, stock ECUs included!

Coolant temperature can be taken from the original coolant temperature gauge(no extra sensor needed). The OEM coolant gauge is NOT affected and will continue to work as it always has. 

If you no longer run the OEM cluster or it suits you better, the kit can be supplied with a separate, dedicated coolant temperature sensor. You can mount it anywhere you like(it has 1/8NPT threads) and has a much better accuracy compared to the Mazda temp. measurement setup.

Oil pressure and Oil temperature are taken from a Bosch 0261230340 combined temperature and pressure sensor. It installs where the OEM oil pressure sender/switch used to sit. A cheaper option is to use a shorter oil filter and an oil filter adapter, but that creates undue hassle. This variant, with this Bosch sensor is the absolute best way around it!

The screen comes in numerous styles you can select from. Styles #1->#4 are color coded, meaning the color of the gauge changes according to the value of the gauge shown.

ANY style can go with ANY year MX5. Some are made to closely match the OEM cluster looks, but you can pick whatever you like best.

You can also select if you want imperial or metric units of measurement(Fahrenheit/Celsius, PSI or bar) or a mixture of the two.

 All screen styles also feature alarms – the levels are which they go off are adjustable before purchase or via the customization keyboard; or you can leave them as is and they go off at :

– 225F (105C) for coolant temperature

– 230F (110C) for oil temperature

– 10 psi (0.6 bar) or less, for oil pressure

All screen styles can use either Fahrenheit, PSI, Celsius or BAR in any combination you like. Select using the drop down menus when ordering, or get the customization keyboard and change them as you wish.

An optional shift light is available too – and it won’t require any extra sensor(as long as your factory tachometer works).

Another very handy extra is the customization keyboard – allows you to change alarm levels, units of measurement, LCD styles, and even further trim the temperature readings the kit gives off. All changes are saved forever, and the keyboard can be left unplugged when not in use.

Installation is VERY easy – no soldering or splicing of wires needed! Merely take the cluster face apart, unscrew the original oil pressure gauge, screw in the new screen and use screws to attach some wires on the back. Of course, full instructions are provided, along with all needed hardware.

Here is the user installation manual – tap me!

Kit contains:
– screen assembly with mounting stand (beware, different for NA and NB(FL) clusters) and plug-and-play wiring
– Bosch combined oil pressure and temperature sensor (with mounting adapter and plug-and-play wiring harness)
– if so configured, a separate 1/8 NPT coolant temperature sensor + wiring harness (but no other special mounting adapter)
– electronic control unit (screws on the back of your cluster)
– optional customization keyboard
– installation instructions



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